Manifest Your Dream Life – Day Retreat with Natalie Heath

Manifest Your Dream Life – Day Retreat with Natalie Heath

Event Details

This event finished on 18 November 2018

Manifest Your Dream Life – Day Retreat with Natalie Heath

Sunday, 3 March 2019 from 10:00-19:00


Yoga teacher and holistic health coach Natalie Heath will be your teacher and guide on a journey into understanding energetic frequencies, the Law of Attraction, Universal consciousness and manifestation tools to harness Universal power and create the life of your dreams.

We get blown around by the winds of life, not really sure if we are following our life’s purpose, not fulfilling our dreams and goals, not living the life we came here to live. We become a slave to our emotions, to our responsibilities and routine, and most of us never break free from this trap and gain control over our energetic vibration, emotions and life’s path.

But luckily we can utilise tools and techniques to help that reconnection and mastery of the self. Natalie will guide you through a yin yoga practice, a guided meditation/visualisation to connect with your higher self for ultimate guidance, essential oils for emotional wellbeing and mastering your energetic vibration, vision boards for magical manifestation (make your own to take away with you), goal setting for success and how to achieve them, and lots more.

To understand these things AND have practical skills and tools you can use to harness them is powerful indeed. You can totally become the creator of your own destiny instead of just being randomly blown around in the breeze of life. You’ll leave the workshop feeling empowered and able to consciously create the inner and outer world you desire.

On this gorgeous day retreat you will:

Understand how you are constantly co-creating your reality with the Universe and how to create the reality you want

Learn how to cultivate connection to your higher self so you can access your innate spiritual wisdom for guidance and strength

Experience a tranquility-inducing, stress-busting, chakra opening yoga session and guided visualisation

Learn about essential oils and why they are so powerful in raising our vibration and helping us to manifest our dreams and goals

Discover how you can instantly invoke peace and tranquility and raise your vibration using a super simple essential oil technique

Discover how to set effective, achievable goals and how to take inspired action to attract them into your life

Create a beautiful vision board of your goals and dreams

Enjoy gorgeous, high vibe raw vegan and gluten free food – a green juice on arrival, lunch and mid-afternoon tea and treats

The yoga class is suitable for all ages and abilities, even if you haven’t practiced yoga for a long time or ever before, you will be able to join in. Yin yoga is a slow, gentle style using props to support the body and relaxing into the postures over a longer period of time. All equipment will be provided for you to use free of charge.

You will end the day feeling peaceful and relaxed, yet empowered and inspired to begin using the toolbox of techniques you have learned in your everyday life.

You will understand how to reconnect with your higher self and know how to take charge of your emotions, mood, energetic vibration and life’s path.

You will have set your most important goals and know what to do to make them happen.

You will have a beautiful vision board to keep and use every day while you are manifesting all these positive changes into your life.

The exchange is £75 (-15% Early Bird discount before 31st Jan – enter code EARLYBIRD15 at checkout!)

In return, you will experience:

Session 1 – Understanding the law of attraction, Universal consciousness and energetic frequencies, and how to master your mindset, emotions and energetic frequency using specific tools and techniques

Session 2 – Aroma yin yoga class using essential oils to enhance your practice + guided visualisation connecting you to your higher self for ultimate guidance

Session 3 – Essential oils for emotional and energetic mastery + aromatic anchoring lesson

Session 4 – Goal setting and action taking for success

Session 5 – Vision board making workshop

High vibe raw vegan food + drinks including morning juice, lunch and afternoon tea + treats

Handouts with all the info and techniques so you don’t need to worry about making notes

A mini bottle of essential oil that is appropriate to your needs which you can receive as soon as you have secured your space!

Spaces are strictly limited so please book your space ASAP so you don’t miss out on this valuable experience. Any questions do get in touch, I’m really looking forward to sharing this with you.

In joy and gratitude,

Natalie. xx

P.S. Remember, if you book by 31st Jan you will receive a 15% Early Bird discount – enter code EARLYBIRD15 at checkout!

To contact Natalie please click here

To book please click here






October 14, 2018
Posted by Nick
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